Sunday, April 29, 2012


     Okay, so obviously that didn't work!!!  A lot has happened in the month and a half that I have not posted anything :(  ...   I did pray a lot about needing help and trying to find a focus.  God sent that help in the form of a friend who asked me if I wanted to join Weight Watchers Online.  I have done the Weight Watchers before, so I was a little skeptical about it.  She said...that I didn't have to go to meetings or do the weigh could join just the online plan.  She explained that there were a whole bunch of tools and recipes and other things to help you stay motivated...without having to go the boring offense to anyone (yeah right) who reads this.  If those work for you, then you should go.  We are not a "cookie-cutter" society--one thing will work for someone and not work for someone else--that's me, meetings don't work for me.
     So I looked into the online version of Weight Watchers and liked all the different the app that I could put on my Ipod and on my husband's phone, cause I don't have a smart phone--don't feel sorry for me, it was my choice.  Now no matter where I was I could track, even before hand, what I was going to put into my mouth.  That worked for all of about a week.  I lost five pounds!!!  Great!!!  Then life, and food got in the way.  It is not easy staying motivated to eat right, exercise, yada, yada, yada, when you live with a bunch of guys who really can eat anything and not ever gain an ounce.  My husband and four boys are those type of guys.  It is not easy to fit in exercise when there are other things to get done.  It really is hard to focus on myself when I know that there are other jobs that need to be done and I am just plain lazy...let's not leave that out!
     I gave into my cravings and fell right back into an old habit...but I have to say, I only did for three days.  Today is a new day.  I have exercised, I have tried to be proactive about fixing my derailment and joined a couple of the community groups on Weight Watchers Online to seek strength and motivation again.  I have only been on Weight Watchers for two weeks...well two weeks on Wednesday. But I want to make it work. So that is where I am.  I am really trying to fight giving up all together.  I am writing here and I am writing where I know others will see it also.  Wish me luck and if by chance someone reads this, please pray for me to have enough strength this week to over come obstacles I am sure will rear their ugly heads.  Thank You.